“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade“

Who is behind the Pound Dropper?
Hi, my name is Lindsay Kehl. You can call me Linds. I’m the CEO of thepounddropper.com, a recipe developer, who has a passion for re-creating classic recipes into lightened up dishes! I’m happily married and have three beautiful children. I started weight watchers for the first time at the age of 20. I had just been diagnosed with a rare blood disease called Aplastic Anemia, which causes the bone marrow to shut down. It required the same treatment plan as Leukemia, a bone marrow transplant to survive.
Going through Chemotherapy:
I endured harsh amounts of chemotherapy & lost all my hair. I ended up gaining over 60 pounds from all the medication (not to mention I was already 40 pounds overweight.) You could say I hit an all time low in my life. I was depressed, unconfident and just down right uncomfortable with myself. That is when my mom encouraged me to join weight watchers with her. I was skeptical at first. However, I decided I would give it a chance. I ended up losing 75 pounds in 9 months (although I never hit my goal wight or “Lifetime.” I was able to keep it off until I got married and had my first child.
During each pregnancy, I gained an average of 65-75 pounds, and I would re-start my weight loss journey after each pregnancy. I was able to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight but I never did reach my goal weight. After my last baby was born, which was in April 2015, I promised myself that I was going to go all the way. I was going to hit goal. I lost 50 pounds in 5 months, and after that I ended up taking a few months off from tracking. I was content with the weight I was at.
Then in January 2017, I woke up one morning and decided to recommit myself to the journey. I started weight watchers online and made a commitment to myself, that no matter how long it took me, I was going to get to my “lifetime” goal weight. It took me just over 2 ½ years to lose over 93 pounds and to hit my goal weight-since hitting my goal-the journey hasn’t ended. This journey is life long and never ends! That means it’s not linear but has it’s up and downs!
I feel so blessed to be healthy, alive, and to do what I love-which is helping others find success through sharing my journey and recipes. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey!!
My passion is to provide you with FREE recipes that you can make for you and your family, recipes you will enjoy and recipes that will help you be successful on your wellness journey!
Discover, Explore and Enjoy!
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