Just six weeks after having my 3rd cesarean section-I recommitted to my weight-loss journey. I knew I needed to start exercising. I was limited on what I could do but I knew I had to start somewhere.
I started simple-walking 30 minutes a day.
I can honestly say 30 minutes of exercise makes a big difference.
It wasn’t until I lost 50 pounds that I started to increase my workouts. I started incorporating 3 minute jogging/running increments into my walking along with a little weight training.
I really noticed a difference in my body composition when I started incorporating weight training into my exercise routine. My body started to lean out and I started losing more inches than I ever had with just doing cardio.
I frequently get asked what my workouts look like-so I decided to put together a quick exercise routine. It’s important to start out with less weight (between 5-25 lb.) depending on your strength level. I recommend starting start off with 1 round/ 10 reps each day of each exercise until you can build up enough endurance to do 3 rounds of 10 reps for all the exercises.
These exercises can be be performed at the gym or at home using this equipment.
Lie on the floor and hold onto a bench or the legs of a heavy chair for support. Keep your legs straight and raise them up until they’re vertical. Lower back down, but stop just short of the floor to keep tension on your abs before the next rep.
Move the KETTLE BALL in a pendulum motion from between the knees to anywhere between eye level to fully overhead. This can be performed either two-handed or using one hand.
Lie on the floor. Bend your knees 90 degrees with feet on the floor. Tuck your chin to your chest and sit up all the way.
Lie back on the Exercise Ball with feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Your lower back should be supported by the ball. Place your hands behind your ears and tuck your chin. Curl your body up off the ball until you’re sitting up.
Sit on the floor in the top position of a sit-up and, holding a MEDICINE BALL or 10-15 LB WEIGHT with both hands, extend your arms in front of you. Twist your body to one side and then twist back. Alternate sides.
Lie on your back on the floor holding the BALL with both hands behind your head. Extend you legs. Brace your abs and sit all the way up. Raise your legs simultaneously and reach for your toes with the ball. Your body should form a V shape at the top.
Crouch or sit with one’s knees bent and one’s heels close to or touching one’s buttocks or the back of one’s thighs.
Position one leg is positioned forward with knee bent and foot flat on the ground while the other leg is positioned behind. You may seek to increase the difficulty using either dumbbells or kettlebells held in each hand, or a barbell held atop the neck and shoulders.
Pound Dropper's Quick Exercise Workout

- Medicine Ball
- Dumbell- Free Weights
- Kettle ball
- Exercise Ball
- Perform 1 round/ 10 reps each day of each exercise until you can build up enough endurance to do 3 rounds / 10 reps of all the exercises.
Leg Raises:
Lie on the floor and hold onto a bench or the legs of a heavy chair for support. Keep your legs straight and raise them up until they’re vertical. Lower back down, but stop just short of the floor to keep tension on your abs before the next rep.
Kettle Ball Swings:
Move the kettle ball in a pendulum motion from between the knees to anywhere between eye level to fully overhead. This can be performed either two-handed or using one hand.
Lie on the floor. Bend your knees 90 degrees with feet on the floor. Tuck your chin to your chest and sit up all the way.
Ball Crunch:
Lie back on the ball with feet shoulder-width apart on the floor. Your lower back should be supported by the ball. Place your hands behind your ears and tuck your chin. Curl your body up off the ball until you’re sitting up.
Weighted Russian Twists:
Sit on the floor in the top position of a sit-up and, holding a medicine ball or 10-15 lb weight with both hands, extend your arms in front of you. Twist your body to one side and then twist back. Alternate sides.
Medicine Ball Raises:
Lie on your back on the floor holding the ball with both hands behind your head. Extend you legs. Brace your abs and sit all the way up. Raise your legs simultaneously and reach for your toes with the ball. Your body should form a V shape at the top.
- These exercise descriptions are referenced from mensjournal.com.
- Click HERE for information regarding The Pound Dropper policy disclaimers.
Dora Phill
Sunday 2nd of June 2019
Linds, Wow, this infographic and these illustrations are just so helpful. situps are part of my workout routine, I would love to try some other workout options too. thanks for sharing such easy to start exercises. really helpful stuff :)